Search results for: Community Organisation, Sydney NSW 2000

730 results - showing 20 per page

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Refugee Council of Australia

The national peak body for refugees, organisations and individuals who work and support them. Their work includes policy, support for refugees, support for members,...

02 9211 9333

Suite 4A6, 410 Elizabeth St
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Glebe Youth Service

A youth support organisation for young people aged 12-24 years of age, their families and their community. There are a range of programs and activities to participate in...

02 9552 2873

84 Glebe Point Road
Glebe, NSW, 2037

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

The Redfern Foundation

A charitable organisation supporting the Aboriginal community in the inner city of Sydney. The primary goal is to support the Aboriginal community to become self...

02 9267 2232

313/148 Goulburn Street
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

ACON Youth Project

This program works with young people under 26 years of age from the LGBTI community to improve health and connect with other young people, by providing a range of...

02 9206 2000 (Sydney), 1800 063 060

414 Elizabeth St
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Childfund Australia

An independent and non-religious international development organisation that works to reduce poverty for children in the developing world. Implements programs with a...

1800 023 600, 02 9264 8333 (International)

Level 8, 162 Goulburn Street
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Brekky Van Sydney

A homeless service that provides a cooked breakfast and hot drinks, part of the Vinnies Van Service. Assistance for people who are experiencing homelessness. Provides...

02 9568 0262; 13 18 12

Prince Alfred Park, Chalmers St & Cleveland St Intersection
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Benevolent Society

A community focused organisation working for change in people's lives through support, education, and social justice. A range of services are available to assist...

02 8262 3400, 1800 236 762 (General Enquiry Line)

2E, Wentworth Park Rd
Glebe, NSW, 2037

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Irish Support Agency

Provides support services to the Irish community, covering all ages and demographics. Assistance is available with a range of issues, including Accommodation and...

1800 186 966, 02 9300 8019

64 Devonshire St
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

The Men's Table Glebe

The first Men's Table (MT1) began in 2011 with twelve men who have met once a month for dinner ever since. Each Men's Table comprises a dozen men who meet once a month...

1800 636 782 (1800 MENS TABLE)

Glebe, NSW, 2037

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Inner Sydney Voice

Provides information, advocacy, support and community development to community organisations, groups and residents. Supports residents and community groups on issues...

02 9698 7690

770 Elizabeth St
Waterloo, NSW, 2017

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Babana Aboriginal Mens Group

Members meet regularly and are involved in a variety of activities and programs that address a range of issues, from men's health, through to family relationships,...

0411 282 917

27 Cope Street
Redfern, NSW, 2016

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

South Sydney PCYC

A drop in facility for young people to participate in activities and sports. Working with local police, it helps young people to develop skills, and reduce and prevent...

02 9319 4240

638 Elizabeth St
Redfern, NSW, 2016

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Spanish Community Care Association Inc

Provides a range of direct support services to elderly, disabled, and disadvantaged members of the Spanish speaking community. Assists clients to access benevolent,...

02 9698 3731

The Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street
Waterloo, NSW, 2017

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Ethnic Communities Council of NSW

The statewide peak body for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities (CALD). The objectives are to promote the principles of multiculturalism and work towards a...

02 9319 0288

221 Cope St
Waterloo, NSW, 2017

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km
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730 Total Results