Search results for: Education, Sydney NSW 2000

1007 results - showing 20 per page

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Graduate Women NSW

An association of women graduates from universities and institutes of higher education throughout the world. Awards scholarships and funding to women students, provides...

02 9283 7878

Lower Ground Floor, 280 Pitt St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

Women Lawyers Association of NSW

Dedicated to improving the status and working conditions of women lawyers in NSW. Also active in lobbying Government and promoting law reform, making submissions on...

0466 157 087

Royal Exchange, NSW, 1225

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Sister2Sister Foundation

Offers youth support and education programs for young girls who have experienced trauma and abuse or come from particularly disadvantaged low socio-economic...

Suite 1A3, 410 Elizabeth St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Womens Justice Network

A community organisation that advocates for the wellbeing and prospects of women and female youth who are affected by the criminal justice system. It supports women...

02 8011 0699

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Australian Childhood Foundation

Therapeutic care programs for foster carers and residential care agencies. Services provided include specialist trauma counselling, children's advocacy, parenting...

0428 360 062

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

WayAhead Workplaces

This program is coordinated by the WayAhead Mental Health Association NSW, and is a network for people who have responsibility for, or are interested in, promoting...

02 9339 6008

Suite 2.03, Level 2,, 3 Spring Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

Small Steps Seminars

Small Steps is an education program, part of Wayahead's Anxiety program. Small Steps aims to raise awareness and improve recognition of anxiety disorders in children....

02 9339 6003

Suite 2.03 – Level 2, 3 Spring Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

Raise- The Youth Mentoring Foundation

A not for profit organisation that contributes to the health and well being of teenagers within our community. It runs community and school based mentoring and personal...

02 7208 8337

Level 3, 131 Clarence Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

NSW Parents' Council

Advocates on behalf of parents and their children's education. It represents parents for all parents in NSW with children in schools, non- government and government...

Suite 804, 185 Elizabeth St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

KU Children's Services Head Office

Provides high quality, play based learning experience based on the National Early Years Learning Framework. They manage over 150 children's services across ACT, NSW, VIC...

02 9264 8366

129 York Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

Look Good Feel Better

A range of services to assist cancer patients with managing the most common physical and psychological impacts of treatment. Women, men and teens can participate in free...

1800 650 960, 02 9056 7105

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region


A for purpose organisation that focuses on preventative education in the area of youth mental health and reducing stigma. They provide programs that train young people...

0402 576 114

Suite 102, 74 Pitt St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

National Breast Cancer Foundation

A foundation that functions to raise funds for breast cancer research. It does not provide treatments. It funds projects to investigate new treatments and applications...

1300 737 086, 1300 708 763 (Supporter Care Hotline)

Level 7, 50 Margaret St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

Community Early Learning Australia

The peak body for early and middle childhood education. It influences policy, advocates for children and families, educators and services. Advocacy is based on...

02 8922 6444, 1800 157 818 (Free Call)

Level 32, 200 George Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

Men's Health Australia

A primary source of information about the social and psychological wellbeing of men and boys. There are four categories of work- Media Watch, observation and challenging...

1300 794 893

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

LGBTIQ+Health Australia

LGBTIQ+Health Australia is the national peak health organisation in Austalia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and...

02 7209 6301

Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region
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1007 Total Results