Search results for: Aboriginal and Indigenous, Sydney NSW 2000

22 results - showing 20 per page


Tranby Aboriginal Co-operative Limited

An independent Indigenous education provider. The main function is to deliver VET accredited courses to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from across...

1800 601 988 (Freecall), 02 9660 3444

Tranby Aboriginal Cooperative Limited, 13 Mansfield Street (Gadigal Country)
Glebe, NSW, 2037

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Kirinari Hostel - Sydney

Provides accommodation for Indigenous and young children (ages 11 to 18) currently undertaking secondary education away from home to live in the hostel during school...

02 9043 9510

340 Box Road
Sylvania, NSW, 2224

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 17 km

Mercy Works

Partners with communities to promote justice, self-reliance and to support displaced people. Works with communities who are denied access to basic human needs such as...

02 9564 1911

6 Victoria Road
Parramatta, NSW, 2150

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 20 km


Provides community and support services to the Indigenous community. It includes Referral and Advocacy Services, Property Management of Aboriginal Housing properties, ,...

02 4957 5900

116 Lake Road
Elermore Vale, NSW, 2287

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 98 km

Barkuma Neighbourhood Centre

Offers social support to Indigenous Elders and younger people with a disability through community volunteers. Playtime for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children...

02 4937 1094

76 Lang Street
Kurri Kurri, NSW, 2327

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 101 km

National Indigenous Australians Agency

Responsible for Indigenous policies, programs and service delivery. The website is designed to connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with Australian...

02 6271 5111, 1800 079 098 (Regional offices)

Charles Perkins House, 16 Bowes Place
Woden, ACT, 2606

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 240 km

Catholiccare - Wilcannia-Forbes

Provides a range of programs and services to rural and remote communities. Services include support for parents and children, counselling and relationship support,...

02 6850 1788

136 Lachlan St
Forbes, NSW, 2871

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 300 km

Walgett Family Violence Prevention Legal Service

Provides support, legal advice, information and advocacy for Aboriginal women and children who are victims/survivors of family or domestic violence and sexual assault....

02 6828 3143,

48 Wee Waa St
Walgett, NSW, 2832

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 456 km

New Horizons Lismore

Offers a range of services and support for people 18 years and older, to improve their wellbeing. Support is provided to people with disability, mental health concerns,...

1300 726 372, 02 6626 0000

2/ 36-38 Conway St
Lismore, NSW, 2480

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 505 km

CatholicCare Wilcannia - Forbes

Provides diverse programs and services to the Rural and Remote communities in Western NSW. Services include support for parents and children, counselling and...

08 8087 3477

261 Argent St
Broken Hill, NSW, 2880

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 917 km

22 Total Results