Search results for: Social Justice, Sydney NSW 2000

55 results - showing 20 per page


NSW Council for Civil Liberties

Voluntary watch dog organisation for civil liberties and human rights. Looks into upcoming legislation and lobby for changes to be made to existing laws to improve...

02 8090 2952

Unit 43, Level 4, 203 Castlereagh St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Justice and Equity Centre

We work with people experiencing disadvantage to expose discrimination and unfairness. We use test cases and policy advocacy to drive law reform and systems change. Our...

02 8898 6500

Level 5, 175 Liverpool St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

knowmore Legal Service

knowmore is an independent service giving free legal advice and support to survivors of child abuse by providing information about justice and redress options. Our staff...

1800 605 762

Level 15, 175 Liverpool St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

Action Aid Australia

An international anti-poverty agency working in over 40 countries to end poverty and injustice. Key focus is women's rights for Action Aid Australia to secure equal...

02 9565 9111, 1300 666 672 (Donations)

Level 15, 115 Pitt Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

International Social Service Australia

Provides social work and legal services to families and children who are separated by international borders, with best interest and rights of children. Services include...

1300 657 843

Three International Towers, Level 24, 300 Barangaroo Avenue
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 1 km

St John's Community Services

Provides a safe place and area for homeless people to meet and relax. It is a cafe where people who are homeless or meeting with hardship can have something to eat,...

0402 527 564

120 Darlinghurst Rd
Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 2 km

The Benevolent Society

The Benevolent Society, operating since 1813, provides integrated support services to children, young people and families, older Australians, people with disability and...

1800 236 762

2E, Wentworth Park Road
Glebe, NSW, 2037

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Welfare Rights Centre

Welfare Rights Centre is a community legal centre that helps people who have a problem with Centrelink payments. We specialise in social security law and family...

02 9211 5300,1800 226 028 (Intake Line - Mon & Weds 9:30am - 12:30pm); 02 9211 5389 (Admin Line)

102/55 Holt St
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Australian Council of Social Service

The Australian Council of Social Service advocates for action to reduce poverty and inequality and is the peak body for the community services sector in Australia....

02 9310 6200

Level 3, 219-241 Cleveland St
Redfern, NSW, 2016

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Inner Sydney Voice

Provides information, advocacy, support and community development to community organisations, groups and residents. Supports residents and community groups on issues...

02 9698 7690

770 Elizabeth St
Waterloo, NSW, 2017

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 3 km

Mercy Foundation

Committed to social justice and structural change to create greater social equity and inclusion in the Australian community. Special interest in the prevention and...

02 9911 7390

40 Rocklands Rd
Wollstonecraft, NSW, 2065

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 4 km

Rainbow Families

We provide support and resources to members of the LGBTQ+ community so that they and their families can live their best and most colourful lives. We host events that...

0481 565 958

Erskineville, NSW, 2043

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

B'nai Brith NSW

Provides a range of services for all individuals, with a focus on the Jewish community. Works in promoting human rights, inter-ethnic and inter-religious understanding,...

02 9321 6300

UNSW, Barker Street
Kensington, NSW, 2033

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 5 km

Social Policy Research Centre

Promotes positive impact and change through generation of research. It addresses social issues for public debate and policy formation that impact individuals and...

02 9385 7800

Level 2, The John Goodsell Building UNSW
University of NSW, NSW, 2052

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 5 km

Sydney Community Forum

Organisation that provides: advocacy, action on social justice issues, resources and support to community groups and services, builds expertise in the community, and...

02 9599 2522

Suite 4, Ground Floor, 11-13 Hartill-Law Ave
Bardwell Park, NSW, 2207

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 10 km

55 Total Results