Search results for: Sexual Assault Services, Sydney NSW 2000

122 results - showing 20 per page

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Taree Sexual Assault Service

Provides counselling, information and education for adult and child victims of sexual assault and their non-offending family members. Services include court support,...

02 6592 9315; 02 6592 9111 (after hours hospital)

Taree Community Health Centre, 64 Pulteney St
Taree, NSW, 2430

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 215 km

Cassies Nest - Child and Adolescent Sexual Assault Counselling Service

Provides specialist counselling, support, advocacy and information for children, adolescents and their non-offending family members, who have been affected by sexual...

02 4475 0906, 1300 139 887 (recent sexual assault crisis number)

Moruya, NSW, 2537

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region


A support service for male survivors of sexual assault. It provides counselling, advocacy and support for men 16 years and older, including their supporters. Male...

02 6247 2525, 0488 586 518 (text only)

Canberra, ACT, 2600

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Toora Women Inc

A not for profit organisation that supports women with complex issues, and who have experienced past or present traumas. It includes domestic violence, sexual assault,...

02 6122 7000

Western Community Hub, Hilder Street
Weston Creek, ACT, 2611

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 241 km

Dubbo Community Health Centre Sexual Assault Service

Crisis, follow up consulting and medical services to adult and child victims of sexual assault, adult survivors of child sexual assault and non-offending family members....

02 5853 2500 (Daytime), 02 6809 6809 (After hours)

Dubbo Community Health Centre, 2 Palmer Street
Dubbo, NSW, 2830

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 284 km

Cooma Sexual Assault Service

A crisis service for women, men and children who have experienced sexual assault. Provides counselling, also for non offending family members, assistance with medical...

02 6455 3201, 02 6455 3222 (after hours), 1800 999 880 (Admin)

Community Health Service, Victoria Street
Cooma, NSW, 2630

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 292 km

Bega Valley Community Health Services

Community Health Care Centre providing a range of services including counsellors, community nursing, aged care, occupational therapy, physiotherapists, sexual assault...

1800 999 880 (Intake), 1800 011 511 (Mental Health Crisis)

c/- Bega South East Regional Hospital, 4 Virginia Drive
Bega, NSW, 2550

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 289 km
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