Family Care GP

Service Description

General practice health care services are provided to the local community, for people of all ages. Services include Family Medicine, Preventative Health, Aged Care, Immunisation, Men's and Women's Health, Pregnancy Care, Indigenous Health, Work Injury, Chronic Disease, Travel Medicine, and Pre Employment Medicals. Doctors are able to provide a Mental Health Care Plan.

Hours of Operation

Mon to Thurs: 8am-5:30pm, Fri: 8am-4pm


Referral System

Self referral

Service Fees


Organisational Information

Area Served

Central Coast

Parent Organisation

Family Care GP

Other Information

Volunteering Opportunities


Other Contacts

NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 After hours medical- Erina Community Health 02 4367 9699 Wyong Hospital Grounds 02 4394 7333

Last Updated: 2 July 2024