Complex Care Service

Service Description

A multidisciplinary, care co-ordination service for children and young people with a complex physical disability. Works with families, children, medical, therapists and community based services. Services are provided for children and young people who have a medical diagnosis associated with high level health care needs, causing functional limitations. Provides assessments, individual therapy, communication with schools and community, referral to other services for additional care needs, and transition support for families.

Alternate Names: HNE Kids Health

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm


Referral System

Parents, Child, Health Professional, Education Staff- must complete a referral from

Service Fees

May apply for some services

Languages (other than English)

Interpreter Services Available

Disability Access

Yes. Ground level, ramp

Organisational Information

Area Served


Parent Organisation

Hunter New England Health

Other Information

Volunteering Opportunities


Last Updated: 2 September 2024