One Door Primary Integrated Care Supports (PICS)
Service Description
Free clinical mental health services to people who are experiencing severe mental illness and live in the Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network area. Clinical coordination by a Credentialed Mental Health Nurse, including referral to psychiatry [online] for diagnostic support and treatment recommendations, referral to psychology, supporting GP, other physical health services, assist with Centrelink and Housing, attendance at groups, psychosocial support from Peer Workers who have their own lived experience of mental health challenges Our Health Care team provides a wide range of psychological services accessible via Medicare, NDIS and user-pays. . Physical Health Services Our Physical Health team includes exercise physiologists, dietitians and access to healthy lifestyle programs - via Medicare and NDIS.
02 7227 6700 (General Enquiries)
Phone based service
Hours of Operation
Mon to Fri: 9:00am-5:00pm
Referral System
By GP, psychiatrist, psychologist, community mental health and inpatient units
Service Fees
free service
Languages (other than English)
Organisational Information
Area Served
Sydney LHD
Parent Organisation
One Door Mental Health
Other Information
Facilities Available
Yes, contact for information
Volunteering Opportunities
Last Updated: 21 January 2025