Henty Multipurpose Service

Service Description

Health services provided to people of all ages. It includes Community Health Nurses, Wound Care, Palliative Care, and Aged Care Assessments. There is an immunisation clinic on Mondays, for children, and support for parents regarding sleep issues, mother and child wellbeing, growth and development. Referrals for other services available, includes mental health, women's health, counselling, drug and alcohol worker and occupational therapy. Call or email to make an appointment, no referral required.

Hours of Operation

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 8:30am-5pm


Referral System

Depends on service

Service Fees

Depends on service

Languages (other than English)

Can be arranged

Disability Access

Yes. Wheelchair Access, Railings, Ramps, Toilets

Organisational Information

Area Served

Murrumbidgee LHD

Parent Organisation

Murrumbidgee LHD

Other Information

Facilities Available

Meeting Rooms must be booked, Kitchen Facilities

Volunteering Opportunities

Student Placements Only

Other Contacts

Child and Family Health Mon 9:30am-12:30pm 0429 883 903 NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511

Last Updated: 22 January 2024