Search results for: Community Development, Sydney NSW 2000

155 results - showing 20 per page

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Illawarra Multicultural Services

Provides a range of programs and services to support new arrivals and culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, families and communities. Priority is for those...

02 4229 6855

Level 1, 67-69 Market St
Wollongong, NSW, 2500

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 60 km

Indigo Foundation

A small organisation that operates through a virtual office, focused on community development. There are several projects that are supported within Australia, and...

0401 666 434;

Figtree, NSW, 2525

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Wollondilly Shire Council

Council services provided for residents of the local community. It includes health services, aged care, community development, Indigenous services, Refugee services,...

02 4677 1100,

Frank McKay Building, 62-64 Menangle St
Picton, NSW, 2571

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 62 km

Mountains Outreach Community Service

Support for children, families and community members to improve quality of life. Provides free or low cost activities to bring people together and build relationships...

02 4758 6811

Bungarabee Centre, 48-50 Oaklands Road
Hazelbrook, NSW, 2779

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 71 km

Hope Street

Provides care and support to marginalised people, 18 years and older. Assistance is available for those people who are at risk or or experiencing homelessness,...

02 4032 4810, 1300 275 227

Shop 1, 124 South St
Windale, NSW, 2306

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 92 km

Cessnock City Council

Council services provided for residents of the local community. It includes waste management and recycling, land use planning, cultural services and facilities including...

02 4993 4100

62-78 Vincent St
Cessnock, NSW, 2325

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 97 km

BaptistCare Hope Street Wallsend

Provides care and support to marginalised people, 18 years and older. Assistance is available for those people who are at risk or or experiencing homelessness,...

02 4032 5224, 0491 158 348, 1300 275 227

58 Cowper Street
Wallsend, NSW, 2287

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 99 km

Lithgow City Council

Provides council services for residents of the local community. It includes health services, aged care, children's services, day care, community development, Indigenous...

02 6354 9999, 1300 661 303

180 Mort Street
Lithgow, NSW, 2790

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 104 km

Everyday CareSouth

Provides services that includes advocacy and community development, foster care, clinical services, and mentoring. Offering support and care for children and young...

02 4423 6833, 1300 554 260

5 Enterprise Ave
South Nowra, NSW, 2541

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 112 km

Bathurst Regional Council

Provides the following cultural and community services for residents of the local area. Services include: child care services, art gallery, library, museums and...

02 6333 6111, 02 6334 2795 (After Hours)

158 Russell St
Bathurst, NSW, 2795

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 157 km

Upper Hunter Shire Council

Council services provided for local residents. These services include Library, Youth Services, Children's Services; sports, permits, registrations, public health,...

02 6540 1100, (After hours emergency) 02 6540 1199

135 Liverpool St
Scone, NSW, 2337

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 171 km

Blayney Shire Council

Provides services for residents of the local community. It includes health services, aged care, children's services, day care, community development, Indigenous...

02 6368 2104

91 Adelaide St
Blayney, NSW, 2799

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 183 km
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155 Total Results